


Committees & Other Branch Functions

Our SIR organization would not be able to operate without the efforts of our volunteer committees and special functions.  Branch 128 operates the following committees and special functions:
Committee/Function Responsibilities Chairperson or Lead Assistants
Activities Assist branch activity leaders to maintain programs and initiate & promote new activities within the branch Michael Lee Robert Henry
Attendance Be contact for collecting information on branch attendance and provide headcount estimate to caterer for monthly luncheon Randy Cahn  
Branch BBQ Coordinate all efforts regarding planning and execution of annual branch BBQ event John Noll Danny Basso, Truman Howard, Steve Anderson
Provide invocation at monthly luncheons
Steve Kolda  
Holiday Dinner Dance Coordinate all efforts regarding planning and execution of annual Holiday Dinner Dance event Joe Santone Carl Yoshizawa
Directory Editor Coordinate efforts related to maintaining our online member directory and monthly PDF version Joe Velson Doug Loskot
Incentive Program Oversees Member Greeting assignments  Tony Fassiotto  
Joke Master
Entertain members with humor at monthly luncheons
Bill Olmo  
Ladies Day Luncheon Coordinate all efforts regarding planning and execution of annual Ladies Day luncheon event Mike Thelen Joe Reid, Carl Yoshizawa
Member Relations Solicit and act on branch member feedback on the activities and operations of the branch.  Mike Costello
Mike Thelen, Ernie Fierro, Oskar Nadjari
Membership Coordinate the branch membership process which includes responding to new member requests, processing application forms and maintaining all related data in the membership database Truman Howard Doug Loskot
Nominating Identify and recruit branch members to serve in leadership positions:  Big Sir, Little Sir, and Directors Michael Garcia
Ernie Fierro, Robert Caviglia, John Kent, Joe Rivello, Joe Santone
Member Photos Responsible to take photos of new members as they are inducted at the monthly meetings and edit into a format that can used in the Rooster and Member Directory Howard Stoddard Gary Pilecki
Raffle Committee Responsible for monthly luncheon raffles Steve Anderson  
Recognition Maintain branch information regarding awards and special recognition for branch members Bob Maddox Michael Garcia
Rooster Editor Coordinate all efforts related to the publishing of the monthly newsletter called the Rooster Robert Caviglia
Jerry Hale
Song Leader
Lead branch in song at monthly luncheons
Mike Thelen  
Speakers & Events Identify and recruit interesting speakers for the monthly luncheon Denny Reigle Robert Caviglia, Danny Basso, Randy Wong, Dan Mahoney, Chuck Hottinger & Carl Yoshizawa
Sunshine Reporter Primary point of contact for sharing information on health issues being experienced by members Steve Kolda  
Bridges Luncheon Coordinator Work with Bridges to coordinate monthly luncheon food service and preparations of monthly meeting venue Danny Basso Jim Burke
Technology Team Coordinate efforts to configure and maintain branch web site and membership data base; assist branch on implementation of Information Technology to improve and streamline branch operations, reporting and general support for use of tech apps. Jerry Hale
Dan Poulin, Joe Velson, Jim Burke, Carl Yoshizawa, Doug Loskot