Technology User Group (TUG)
No session in December - See you in January 2025
If you are interested in taking on the activity leader role, or if you have a topic you would like to present, please contact Dan Poulin via email or call 925-995-4632.
The next session is scheduled for 10 am on Friday, January 31, 2025 at the Danville Library on Front Street.
The TUG activity group meets at 10 am on the last Friday of the month (except in November). We are using the RSVP feature of our web site to manage attendance. Please make sure you update your website profile to include TUG interest, so you don’t miss the notice when the sign-up is available.
Our Mission Statement
The Technology User Group provides a forum for SIR members to exchange practical knowledge / information on topics that directly relate to the application and use of technology in our daily lives via formal presentations and informal discussion groups. Topics will be driven by members of this activity group. The group will meet in person at the Danville Library or online via Zoom when a physical meeting isn't possible.
Administratively, we are now using the RSVP feature of our web site to manage attendance as we do have a capacity limitation at the Danville Library. Please make sure you update your website profile to include TUG interest, so you don’t miss the notice when the sign-up is available.
Our 2024 Meeting Schedule
Topic/Date/Time | Presenter |
Xmas Tech Show and Tell/ Jan 26/10 AM - 12 PM | Michael Levine |
Heart Technologies/Feb 23/10 AM - -12 PM | Michael Levine |
CES 2024/Mar 29/10 AM - 12 PM | Dan Poulin |
Taking Better Photos with your iPhone/Apr 26/10 AM - 12 PM
Bob Maddox
Topic Meet & Greet/May 31/10 AM - 12 PM | Group |
Topic Smart Home Features to Help you age in place/Jun 28/10 AM - 12 PM
Rica Ruiz |
Topic Cutting the Cable TV Cord/Jul 26/10 AM - 12 PM
Dan Poulin
Aaron Samaha
Topic Website Feature & iPhone Tips & Tricks/Aug 10/10 AM - 12 PM |
Dan Poulin
Bob Maddox
Topic Climate Change Strategies & Technologies/Sep 27/10 AM - 12 PM
Michael Levine
Topic Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Future, Its Potential, and Its Impact on Society/Oct 25/10 AM - 12 PM | Michael Levine |
Topic Drone Tech/Nov 22/10 AM - 12 PM | Dan Poulin |
No December Meeting | N/A |
Danville Library 2024 Meeting Schedule:
(All dates last Friday of month, 10am-12pm, except for November)
-January 26, 2024
-February 23
-March 29
-April 26
-May 31
-June 28
-July 26
-August 30
-September 27
-October 25
-November 22
Our 2025 Meeting Schedule
SIR Computer Group 2025 Meetings:
(All dates Fridays, 10am-12pm)
When and Where are the Technology User Group meetings?
Starting March 2023, in person meetings will resume at the Danville Public Library, 400 Front St, Danville. Meetings are planned for the last Friday of the month from 10 am - noon.
Last Friday of the month except for November and December.
Previous Topics and Presentation Materials
Note: If you find a download link results in an error, please send a note to Joe Velson.
Get on our Mailing List
We use the information in the SIR's Member Directory Profile to send out occasional messages and updates about our group. Login to the website and go to MEMBERS>MY PROFILE>UPDATE PROFILE and check Technology User Group under the "Activities I'm Interested In" section. You will be automatically added to our mailing list.
Is there a topic that interests you? Are you willing to do a bit of research and spend a few minutes talking to the group about what you have learned? We need members to help develop content for our meetings. If you have an idea or need help putting together presentation materials, please contact Dan Poulin.